Universe (or) Multiverse ?
A city may be a home to many million people all may be unique .
Uniqueness were never questioned .
People in the City .
But nothing is Unique .
It can be the duplicates of everything and where are they ?
Our Universe may not be alone but other Universes may have been born all the time .
Multiverse : Many Universes .
All may differ with the other , but some similarities even exists .
Multiverse may be the final step of COSMOS .
Bubble Universes : Every disk is a bubble Universe .
Aristotle showed that earth is the center of the Universe .
Aristotle Earth centered Universe .
Galileo and Copernicus showed sun is the center of the Universe .
Sun centered Universe .
Multiverse may require drastic changes (or) else is it the dead end ???
How did the idea of multiverse came from ???
Big-bang occured round 14 billion years ago .
As a result universe still expanding .
How did big-bang happen ?
Hence here came the idea of multiverse .
Big-bang explosion .
Alan Guth at MIT in 1974 showed .
How particles form in early Universe ?
Extreme environment at the very early stages of Universe , gravity can be reversed instead of attraction it was repulsive .
Galaxies forming with the molecule .
Then space expanded and obeyed big-bang theory .
He called big-bang's as inflation .
Alan Guth's Inflation model of the UNIVERSE .
Inflation could be tested in night sky .
If we remove all the things in night sky we find the energy remains of the big-bang called COSMIC Microwave Background .
Cosmic microwave background at its temperature changes . ( Hotter and colder parts : Imprints ) .
Cosmic microwave background resembled the imprints .
In 1989 - NASA tested inflation .
Temperature on the COSMOS mapped to the " Theory of inflation " .
This was a milestone discovery .
Equations had a shocking secrets of existence of the MULTIVERSE .
Andrei Linde proposed a more eternal chaotic inflation . .
Chaotic inflation occurs in a much broader class of theories, without any need for the assumption of initial thermal equilibrium. The basic principles of this scenario became incorporated in most of the presently existing realistic versions of inflationary theory. Chaotic inflation changed the way we think about the beginning of inflation.
Andrei Linde Eternal chaotic inflation .
How did inflation start ?
What will happen at the end of inflation ?
Some parts may still have inflation , so it was considered that many big-bang occurred .
Every new big-bang when occurs then a new Universe forms .
They called it External Inflation .
External Inflation may continue forever .
Cheese ( Consider this as Universe before the stars formed ) .
Small cheese .
Big cheese .
Here energy is discharged in space when the small cheese is converted to big one .
" E is converted to m . Energy is converted to mass . "
Hence the birth of Universe big-bang .
Space sometimes expands slowly .
Here a cheese is cut before everything formed even the stars .